Digital Credentials FAQ

UiPath's Badges and Certificates are now available for you to verify your professional credentials and to showcase the skills and achievements you’ve gained along your UiPath journey.

UiPath Badges and Certificates

UiPath Digital Badges and Certificates are web-enabled versions of credentials like certification, expertise, or learning outcome that can provide valid verification.

UiPath Academy

  • I have completed the RPA Citizen Developer Foundation training learning plan before March 27, 2023 and I can't find my diploma in Achievements. Where can I find it?

    You have received an email informing you that you have a new digital credential. You can follow the link in the email to access your badge and certificate. For the time being, the digital credential will not be available in your Academy achievements. Please contact support if you haven't received the email, it comes from and the email subject is - UiPath Credential for UiPath Academy RPA Citizen Developer Foundation Training

  • Where can I find the diploma for RPA Citizen Developer Foundation learning plan if I completed it after March 27, 2023?

    In Academy, go to My Dashboard / Achievements where you will find your credential for completing the learning plan.

    Click the icon and you will land in Accredible, where you will see your certificate and your badge.

    After authentication, you can share your digital credential on LinkedIn or other social platforms and join our directory!

  • What is the new asset I see in Academy Achievements after I have completed the RPA Citizen Developer Foundation learning plan?

    If you completed the RPA Citizen Developer Foundation learning plan after March 27, 2023, you might have noticed a new asset in your Achievements.

    If you click the icon, you will be directed to Accredible, where you can download your badge and certificate and share this digital credential with others and join our directory.

    This will be available only for a few selected learning plans in the future.

    For the rest of the courses and learning plans that do not have digital credentials, you will find your diplomas in UiPath Academy.

  • Can I find digital credentials in Accredible for all learning plans and courses from UiPath Academy?

    You will be able to find digital credentials in Accredible only for a few selected learning plans from UiPath Academy.

    For the rest of the courses and learning plans, you will find your diplomas in UiPath Academy.

For any queries or issues related to your badges and certificates