TOGETHER Public Sector

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Turning innovation into impact

Taking advantage of innovation is hard, especially in the public sector. Listen to how focusing on outcome-driven innovation enables agencies to take advantage of automation across the enterprise.   

Meet the UiPath Platform for mission impact

Automation is no longer just about robotic process automation (RPA). Take a walk through the UiPath Platform for mission impact and hear how the AI-powered platform is solving problems and driving better outcomes in government.  

Enterprise automation for mission impact

The U.S. Air Force is an automation pioneer and innovator. Listen to Venice Goodwine talk about the U.S. Air Force’s automation journey and impact to the mission. Goodwine outlines the steps that they took to be prepared for automation: creating a team of cohorts, making sure the governance is aligned, and creating change management among their enterprise ecosystems.

Launching the SAP and UiPath Intelligent Enterprise

SAP and UiPath launched Intelligent Enterprise, a partnership that drives better outcomes for government and greater impact to the mission. Listen to the benefits of this partnership for government and citizens.  

Automation table stakes: how CFOs drive more value for the mission with automation

Listen to success stories of CFOs from agencies like Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and how finance organizations are leveraging automation and AI to drive better outcomes. 

Transforming the Department of Defense with automation at scale

Hear how the U.S. Navy, Army, and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) are embracing AI-powered automation because they see it as a game changer for operations and mission impact. Hear tips for driving AI use across the enterprise. 

Automation first at DHS – from policy to security to the field

Hear how United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security (CISA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) are driving innovation to their organizations with key programs that are focused on AI and automation. 

This brings enablement to their employees by lessening the mundane tasks of day-to-day work so that they can focus on larger, key projects to support the mission.

Paving the way for transformation with automation

Representatives from the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) discuss how they embraced automation to be a critical part of the mission. Listen to how automation helped both these agencies reduce manual labor and give time back to the mission.  

The foundation of what's next: automation, AI and the possibility

Hear how automation is the backbone of digital transformation and how AI is powering the UiPath Platform to enable agencies to drive the best mission outcomes. 

The role of automation in protecting the “need to know”

How does automation fit in with zero trust and Department of Defense? Take a deep dive into the role of automation in zero trust. 

Closing comments

With closing comments wrapping up the TOGETHER event, listen to the ways agencies can drive change with automation by engaging workforces and pushing innovation.