UiPathers and UiPath Foundation deploying close to 1 million dollars in Romania and India
UiPath Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to empower underprivileged children to reach their potential and thrive together with their communities through equal access to education and the development of 21st century skills.
One of the first things I learned about during my first days at UiPath was the Foundation. I remember a lot of people in our office in Bucharest telling stories about the nice volunteering activities they've done lately and their enthusiasm. UiPath Foundation was founded by UiPath in January 2019 and acts as a standalone organization. Yet, UiPathers play a very important role in helping our foundation achieve its mission, as volunteers and individual donors.
UiPath Foundation is implementing educational programs that respond to the multiple and various needs of children confronted with poverty. This time, it was about the COVID-19 crisis.
Over the last two last months of social distancing, acknowledging the importance of solidarity and support for the severely affected communities, UiPath Foundation ran internal donation campaigns for the Global Emergency Fund among UiPath employees around the world.
It's uplifting to see this impressive generosity unfolding among UiPathers worldwide. It's not only a mobilization against COVID-19, but an exercise of empathy towards those most affected by the pandemic. Due to this common effort, we have been able to support communities in Romania and India affected by this global crisis. We stay committed to our mission to have a meaningful intervention and long-term impact in our areas of intervention and to provide support for children in underprivileged communities. A heartfelt 'thank you' to our to all our donors, as well as to all our local partners both in Romania and India for helping us be close to those in need and for making it possible for all the donations to reach beneficiaries quickly and in the safest conditions", said Raluca Negulescu-Balaci, the Executive Director of UiPath Foundation.
Their focus points for this campaign were Romania and India. In Romania, 2.3 tonnes of medical equipment have been donated to 23 hospitals and medical institutions across the country - 9,500 coveralls, 50,000 pairs of gloves, as well as 10,000 FFP2 masks. 47 ventilators essential for COVID-19 patients in 21 hospitals across the country were repaired as well. The foundation provided continuous support to the vulnerable children enrolled in its educational programs and to their approximately 800 family members: hygiene items and 1 tonne of basic food products have been distributed to these families from 4 areas of Romania. Another top priority was to enable the children’s participation to on-line classes.
"Now, more than ever, a smile on the faces of those in need and also going back to normal depends on each of us. Solidarity counts!", Raluca Buzdugan, Account Payable Specialist.
In India, 1 million hygienic meals will be provided to families of migrant workers from all over India, along with 4,000 ration kits with non-perishable food to children, young people and their families from the educational programs supported by the Foundation in Bangalore.
“This is a challenge to the moral consciousness of the humankind. We can all join hands and take a step not only to minimise this humanitarian crisis, but also to build hope for our planet”, said Kamal Sehmbi, Director of Campaign Planning & Operations, UiPath India.
The joint efforts of UiPath Foundation and UiPath co-founders, private donors and employees around the world have led to immediate and consistent support provided to the communities most affected in Romania and India, deploying close to 1 million dollars in a series of outreach initiatives since March. The fact that UiPathers from every country where we operate were part of this initiative makes it just perfect.
You can learn more about UiPath Foundation from their Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn account. Stay safe!
Social Human ResponsibilityEmployer Branding Manager, UiPath
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