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September 1, 2015

Can Robotic Process Automation and FAO Coexist?

Robotic process automation is a serious threat to the BPO business model. This post discusses the possibility of the coexistence of RPA and FAO.



July 22, 2015

Robotic Process Automation – A Better Choice than FAO or BPMS

Robotic process automation brings savings and high performance to finance and accounting processes, as opposed to finance and accounting outsourcing.

So easy a biz user can do it reduced


July 13, 2015

Ready to Make Robotic Process Automation Happen? Read this First.

Best practices for implementing robotic process automation within your organization, including managing capabilities and expectations.



July 6, 2015

The ROI Winner – Robotic Software or BPMS Software?

Robotic process automation software achieves greater return on investment than business process management systems. Here, we examine their differences.

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July 1, 2015

Robotic Software has Transformed Process Automation

Robotic process automation software has transformed workflow automation. We discuss the overlaps between macros, scripts, and RPA.

Failure Street Sign


June 17, 2015

Failure! 5 Pitfalls Waiting for a Robotic Process Automation Rollout

5 ways a robotic process automation deployment can fail, including immature strategy, governance, optimistic effort estimates, new roles, and overconfidence.

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June 15, 2015

BPO has a New Partner – Robotic Process Automation

BPO and robotic process automation can partner to deliver high outsourcing value. We discuss the terms InSourcing and NoSourcing and their capabilities.

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June 8, 2015

Disney, H-1B Visa Hearings - and Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation addresses H-1B visa issues seen at Disney. We discuss how RPA facilitates partnering between the IT dept. and business group.

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June 1, 2015

RPA "Best of May" Blog: Our Readers Pick the Winners

UiPath blog readers pick the most popular robotic process automation blog posts for the month of May in 2015.

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May 27, 2015

Robotic Process Automation is NOT Autonomics (and that’s fine)

Robotic process automation is not the same as autonomics. Read about the reasons behind this statement here.

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Industry Solutions

May 20, 2015

Robotic Process Automation: Elevates Call Center Performance

RPA delivers benefits to call centers. The advantages can be seen throughout the intitial customer contact as well as during ongoing engagement and follow-up.



May 13, 2015

BPO & Robotic Process Automation: Implementation Risks

BPO automation has great opportunities but four challenges: contracts and timeframes, technology, work roles and locations, and governance.

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May 2, 2015

BPO Service Offerings: 7 Essential RPA Core Competencies

We discuss the 7 essential RPA elements that BPO service offerings must have to be successful, two of which include leading technology and a process library.

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